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synthol: What is synthol & how to build synthol muscles - EliteFitness,Synthol - Wikipedia,What Is Synthol? - Uses, Abuse And Injection Effects!,The Truth About Synthol | Misconceptions Debunked - More Plates More Dates,
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What is synthol & how to build synthol muscles - EliteFitness - Punya otot besar—terutama bisep dan trisep—pasti idaman sebagian besar pria karena tubuh akan terlihat kekar. Tapi, membentuk otot dengan cara instan seperti menyuntikkan syntol alias minyak sintetis tidak dianjurkan.

Synthol - Wikipedia

Synthol is composed of 85 percent medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, 7.5 percent lidocaine, and 7.5 percent alcohol. It is injected into muscles with a syringe. Once inside the muscle tissue...

What Is Synthol? - Uses, Abuse And Injection Effects!

Synthol is a substance used by body builders as a temporary implant which is injected deeply into the muscle. The enlargement effects are immediate. Synthol is used in small groups of muscles to enlarge their volume (for example triceps, biceps, deltoids, muscles of the calf).

The Truth About Synthol | Misconceptions Debunked - More Plates More Dates

There's a huge misconception about what Synthol actually is. Synthol is a form of SEO, also known as Site Enhancement Oil. SEO is commonly used by bodybuilders to increase the size of a lagging muscle group, or to re-shape it.